Romantic opportunities for non-heterosexual couples started to expand in the 1930s According to Nichi Hodgson, the author of the book, “The Curious Case of Dating: From Jane Austen to Tinder,” select pubs in London started to earn reputations as safe havens for LGBTQIA+ people at the time, and while “courting” was still alive and thriving amid the lesbian community, gay men tended to “hook up” more than date. Additionally, the US was experiencing an era that historians now refer to as the ” Pansy Craze” in the late 1920s and early 1930s; an openly gay era in which LGBTQIA+ people were performing on stages and throwing parties across the country (though especially in Chicago ). “Massive waves of immigrants from Europe and the American South were arriving in American cities so that white middle-class urbanites became fascinated with exploring the new communities taking place in their midst, whether immigrant, bohemian, black, or gay,” University of Chicago history professor George Chauncey told Chicago Magazine.