For the sake of brevity, I will highlight seven themes from an extremely wide-ranging conversation

For the sake of brevity, I will highlight seven themes from an extremely wide-ranging conversation And it fails to take into account the struggles of those in many third world countries where economic and medical assistance from wealthier nations is frequently tied to an acquiescence to Western moral values in regard to sexuality and marriage People like to combine physical and spiritual activities e.g. yoga — no place in church for that Card. Coutts would like to see a paragraph on sport as something that is fun And it fails to take into account the struggles of those in many third world countries where economic and medical assistance from wealthier nations is frequently tied to an acquiescence to Western moral values in regard to sexuality and marriage special attention should be paid to those in refugee camps And it fails to take into account the struggles of those in many third world countries where economic and medical assistance from wealthier nations is frequently tied to an acquiescence to Western moral values in regard to sexuality and marriage Myanmar bishop: internally displaced persons should also be included; it is not quite the same thing And it fails to take into […]